In its fourth and final season, HBO's darkly comic crime drama Barry shows its cards just a few minutes into its first episode. Barry Berkman, Bill Hader's earnest yet sociopathic hitman, is newly incarcerated after finally getting caught by the police at the end of Season 3. His first move from the inside is to call up his acting teacher, Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler), using a prison telephone. Though Gene is directly responsible for his arrest, Barry pleads with him for understanding and forgiveness. "Mr. Cousineau, are you mad at me?" Barry asks, his voice dripping with confusion and hurt. "Because I love you." Barry has spent four seasons maiming and murdering his way through L.A.'s criminal underworld, but all he's ever wanted is the love and understanding of others in the hope that it would fill the hole where his soul should be.
'Barry' Season 4 Review: Bill Hader's HBO Crime Dramedy Goes Out With a Bang
The final season of Bill Hader's hitman-turned-wannabe-actor opus offers plenty of thrills while never losing sight of what makes its characters tick.