After six decades and numerous acclaimed projects to his name, Hayao Miyazaki is all set for another directorial venture, The Boy and the Heron (previously titled How Do You Live?), releasing later this year. In production for nearly a decade, the upcoming Japanese animated film is unarguably the most anticipated project from the celebrated filmmaker and artist and had its debut showing this summer. Written and directed by Miyazaki, the film is said to be a “grand fantasy” and is inspired by the eponymous 1937 novel by Genzaburo Yoshino, but it is not a direct adaptation. The film tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, as he explores his emotional and philosophical development following the death of a loved one, in an original concept.
‘The Boy and the Heron’: Release Date, Cast, Plot, and Everything We Know About Hayao Miyazaki’s Next Film
Experience Hayao Miyazaki’s artistic brilliance one more time.